A celebration of life for World Aids Day @the Bloomsbury Patient Network


Thursday 23rd November, 2017


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Mortimer Market Center – Duncan Catterall Seminar Room (Lower Ground Floor)
Mortimer Market


Bloomsbury Patient Network

30 Years Ago … Princess Diana opened the first ward for our patients at the Middlesex Hospital (which closed in December 2005).

The doctors included Patrick French, Rob Miller & Ian Williams – who still work at the Bloomsbury Clinic, Mortimer Market Centre. The nursing staff included Jane Bruton (Ward sister) and Nikki Barsley-Masina

A young photographer – Gideon Mendel – captured life & love on the ward.

Join us to celebrate the young men and women who paved the way … for all the care and treatment we receive today.

Speakers will include: Dr Patrick French, Professor Rob Miller, Jane Bruton (Ward sister) and Gideon Mendel who will be presenting photographs from his book ‘The Ward‘.

Photographs from the book are also on display in the run up to World AIDS Day, at the Fitzrovia Chapel (the Hospital chapel is only part of the Middlesex Hospital to remain preserved).

Held at the Duncan Catterall Seminar Room (Lower Ground Floor), Mortimer Market Center, Mortimer Market, London, WC1E 6JB. Mortimer Market, just off Tottenham Court Road, the passage to clinic is between 169 (Futon Shop) & 170 Tottenham Court Road. Nearest Tube: Warren Street/Goodge Street.

Register for this event, to reserve a place, or book via the patient reps: 020 3317 5177. You do not need to be a patient of the clinic to attend.

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