Dr Nicholas Davies talks about Peripheral Neuropathy


Monday 2nd February, 2015


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm



Dr Nicholas Davies is a member of the Encephalitis Society’s Medical Advisory Panel. Dr Davies is a general neurologist with a sub-specialty and research interest in neurological infection. He trained in neurology at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, St Mary’s Hospital and St George’s Hospital (Atkinson Morley) in London.

His PhD, from King’s College London, addressed the aetiology and outcome of acute encephalitis in adults. After the completion of specialist training, Dr Davies undertook a fellowship in HIV neurology at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, Australia.

What is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy is not a single disease – instead, it is a complication found in a number of different underlying medical conditions. It can also be seen without the cause being diagnosed, when doctors called it “idiopathic.”

The term neuropathy is short for peripheral neuropathy, meaning nerve damage in the peripheral nervous system. Only nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord are involved, so peripheral neuropathy does not include nerve damage in the central nervous system.

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