Dr Pepe Catalan talks about Depression and HIV


Monday 27th April, 2015


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm



Dr José Catalán ,  is  a well known and respected Consultant Psychiatrist – he has carried out a great deal of research in to the psychological care and problems of people with medical conditions, in particular in relation to HIV infection, and has published extensively in medical and psychiatric journals.

We aim to look at a range of issues around Depression and HIV. Why do some of us get depressed and not others? Are there any things we can do to stave off getting depressed? How can we tell if we’re depressed? What links anxiety and depression? Does HIV make us more prone to depression? Which medication works the best? Are there drug interactions between anti-retrovirals and anti-depressants? How long can a medication be expected to be effective (i,e do we become tolerant to a particular medication). What dosages are low/medium/high?

When members have changed medication this has frequently been accompanied by depression before the correct dosage of new medication has been found, is there any way to avoid this happening?

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