Forum: Mental Health, Sex and HIV @the Bloomsbury Patient Network


Wednesday 23rd November, 2016


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Mortimer Market Center – Duncan Catterall Seminar Room (Lower Ground Floor)
Mortimer Market


Bloomsbury Patient Network

This forum explores ways to promote your psychological and sexual well-being when living with HIV.

  • Do you feel you suffer more mental health issues since diagnosis?
  • Are you worried about passing on the virus?
  • Are you worried about breaking the law?
  • Are you finding relationships difficult?
  • Are you worried about telling people?
  • Are you having the sex you want?
  • Do you fear rejection?
  • Does all this lead to increased stress, anxiety, irritability & mood changes?
  • Does it lead to low self esteem, self-stigma & self-destructive behaviour?

What can you do about it? What support is available? How can we help ourselves?

An expert panel includes clinical psychologists specialising in HIV: Dr Kathy White and Dr Alexander Margetts.

Refreshments provided.

Held at the Duncan Catterall Seminar Room (Lower Ground Floor), Mortimer Market Center, Mortimer Market, London, WC1E 6JB. Mortimer Market, just off Tottenham Court Road, the passage to clinic is between 169 (Futon Shop) & 170 Tottenham Court Road. Nearest Tube: Warren Street/Goodge Street.

Register for the event, or contact any of the patient representatives (Angela,Chris or Cristian), on 020 3317 5177 to reserve a place. You do not need to be a patient of the clinic to attend.

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