Garry Brough talks about new MyHIV website and forums resource for positive people


Monday 12th September, 2011


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm



Garry Brough; site and forum administrator for MyHIV, the THT (Terrence Higgins Trust) run, EJAF (Elton John Aids Foundation) funded website.

Three to four years ago Garry, a long-time programme coordinator for the Central YMCA‘s Positive Health Scheme, was approached by Lisa Power; leading spokesperson and Head of Policy at THT, asking if he wanted to be involved with the MyHIV website project. Garry, who is proud and openly positive, and describes himself as a real bolshie gay queen, felt he was just the man for the job, a chance to influence, challenge and change THT from within. So we have both the redoubtable Lisa Power and Garry to thank for bringing us and developing this fantastic new web-based site and resource, which is clearly seen as part of future facing way of serving the HIV community, and of course to EJAF, without whose funding, it would not have all been made possible.

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