GayTalk @Positively UK


Saturday 3rd November, 2018


12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Positively UK
345 City Road


GayTalk is the once a month afternoon at Positively UK .

November’s GayTalk includes a guest speaker.

“Our Stories and the Window of our World” – How to empower”

Every life has a story. Every story has a message. And I am the best person to tell my story. But how do you make sure that your story has the impact you want it to have? How do you craft your story to make it say what you want it to say? How can you become more confident in telling your story? How can you empower yourself – and others – through telling your story? Roland Chesters, author of the recently published Ripples from the Edge of Life, will lead us through a workshop exploring the art of confident and empowering story telling.

Followed by an open discussion : Using social media and apps

The question this month is on how we use online apps, how we protect our mental health when using them and navigating our status online

There will also be a personal reflection on a HIV story and of course the very popular ‘Ask-It-Basket’.

Chris O’Hanlon
Gay Men’s Project Coordinator, PositivelyUK

There is no need to book for this event.

As usual there’ll be an opportunity before lunch to share and get support around any HIV concerns you have with others in the group, a buffet lunch will be provided, and there’ll be a trip to the pub after.

If this is your first time please arrive at 11.30am to be registered.

Simply sign up to hear about upcoming GayTalk events with your email.

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