GayTalk @Positively UK: Undetectable Equals Untransmittable, What does U=U mean to you?


Saturday 3rd February, 2018


12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Positively UK
345 City Road


GayTalk is the once a month afternoon at Positively UK  This month’s GayTalk will be looking at what relationships mean to us, what we’re really looking for and how we can better navigate the real and virtual world of meeting guys and then turning those meet ups into something that lasts.

Our first Saturday GayTalk of 2018 will focus on an issue that has been on a lot of people’s lips over the last year, and one that is transforming the lives of people living with HIV: U=U or Undetectable Equals Untransmittable. In this session we’ll be helping you to understand what U=U actually means, give you the confidence to talk about it with others and examine its impact on our wellbeing.

As usual there’ll be an opportunity before lunch to share and get support around any HIV concerns you have with others in the group, a buffet lunch will be provided, and there’ll be a trip to the pub after. This month, Nickos has kindly offered to share his HIV story.

If this is your first time please arrive at 11.30am to be registered.

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