GayTalk @Positively UK: ‘What has HIV ever done for us?’


Saturday 7th April, 2018


12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Positively UK
345 City Road


GayTalk is the once a month afternoon at Positively UK .

This month’s GayTalk will ask the question ‘What has HIV ever done for us?’ We have all had different experiences around living with our HIV, some of which we would rather not have had to live through. But beyond the trauma and ongoing challenges, living with HIV often brings good things into our lives and opportunities for personal growth. We’ll be unpacking some of these and sharing our own positive life affirming experiences of living with HIV.

There is no need to book for this event.

As usual there’ll be an opportunity before lunch to share and get support around any HIV concerns you have with others in the group, a buffet lunch will be provided, and there’ll be a trip to the pub after. This month, our youth worker; David has kindly offered to share his HIV story.

If this is your first time please arrive at 11.30am to be registered.

Simply sign up to hear about upcoming GayTalk events with your email.

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