GMG Walkers – Coastal Walk


Sunday 2nd September, 2018


9:00 am - 6:00 pm



Deal to Dover (11 miles)

Dover to Deal walk (in reverse)

This simple walk is one of the finest coastal walks in England taking us past the historic Walmer Castle and Deal Castle along a tranquil coastal path. Surprisingly, for a walk that spends much of its time on the airy heights, not much exertion is involved. Lunch – fish and chips, on Deal’s shingle beach and Tea at the Bluebird tearooms near St. Margaret’s Bay. Passing by South Foreland Lighthouse, with stunning views over the English Channel, the ferries buzzing in and out of Dover Harbour, and sight of the French Coast from Boulogne to Dunkerque. Alternative pub lunch at The Coastguard, St. Margaret’s Bay.

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