Have Your Say – Meet the Managers @the Bloomsbury Patient Network


Thursday 22nd March, 2018


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Mortimer Market Center – Duncan Catterall Seminar Room (Lower Ground Floor)
Mortimer Market


Bloomsbury Patient Network

Section 242 of the NHS Act 2006 – Involvement and Consultation – placed a legal duty on NHS Trusts … to make arrangements to involve and consult patients in service planning and operation.

  • What does the Bloomsbury Clinic do well?
  • Is there anything you feel strongly about?
  • What could be improved?
  • What else would be helpful?
  • Do you access support at the clinic – health advisers, psychology, Citizen’s Advice Bureau, patient representatives, newly diagnosed course or other Bloomsbury Network events?
  • This is you chance to help improve the quality, design and delivery of your treatment and care.

This is you chance to help shape the future of the Bloomsbury Clinic.

This is your chance to have your say!

Speakers will include: Dr Simon Edwards, Clinical Director, Sexual Health and HIV, Mortimer Market Centre & Quality Improvement Clinical Lead, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust.

Refreshments will be provided.

Held at the Duncan Catterall Seminar Room (Lower Ground Floor), Mortimer Market Center, Mortimer Market, London, WC1E 6JB. Mortimer Market, just off Tottenham Court Road, the passage to clinic is between 169 (Futon Shop) & 170 Tottenham Court Road. Nearest Tube: Warren Street/Goodge Street.

Register for this event, to reserve a place, or book via the patient reps: 020 3317 5177. You do not need to be a patient of the clinic to attend.

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