HIV in later life – social care and housing design event (Building big ideas for our future)


Thursday 26th February, 2015


10:30 am - 4:30 pm



Positively Aging Forum in association with Age UK, Comic Relief, National Aids Trust and PRP Architects, are hosting an event on Thursday, 26 February 2015 from 10.30am to 4.30pm, at Age UK’s HQ in Tavistock Square (nr Russell Square/Euston).

During the day we will design a Housing with Care and Social Hub scheme for older people living with HIV. There will be workshops led by PRP Architects who have won many awards for their designs for homes for older people and National AIDS Trust who will present their recently published best practice guidelines for social care providers.

We’ll learn about the different sorts of housing schemes for people over 50 that are currently being built and discuss how these could be re-arranged or adapted to suit the needs of our own particular HIV community. We can decide if we would want complementary therapies on offer, what sort of food we would like the restaurant to serve. Do we want an HIV Nurse Specialist on site? Would you want the complex to include a cinema or a bowling alley or a snooker table? How about a gym or exercise room? A prayer room? Bring your own ideas on the day.

By 4pm we’ll have designed a state of the art housing and care complex to our own specifications. There will be visuals on the big screen. We’ll use this model in an organised campaign for our future housing and care needs to be planned for and met.

Members are encouraged to register and attend this very first event of this kind, especially if it is of interest to you.

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