Jill Critchley from UKC, talks about the Ensuring +Ve Futures initiative


Monday 4th September, 2006


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm



Jill Critchley from UKC, will be talking about the Ensuring +Ve Futures initiative. The initiative is a partnership between six organizations; UKC, THT, NAT (National Aids Trust), Oasis North London, Positive East and Positively Women. Jill is one of four Case Managers, with others based at Oasis, Positive East and Positively Women.

The initiative recognizes that people are living and moving on with HIV, instead of becoming ill. As a Case Manager Jill’s role is to help you find ways to move forward, with opportunities for re-skilling and offering ongoing support. It’s not just about going back to work – but it’s about improving people’s quality of life, this may be achieved by moving people closer back to the workplace, your quality of life can be improved without necessarily making it back into full-time work.

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