‘Perspectives and Perceptions of PrEP’ – an OUT @ University College London, World AIDS Day event


Monday 28th November, 2016


5:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Room 421, Roberts Building, University College London (UCL)
Torrington Place


Out@UCL and the MRC Clinical Trials Unit (UCL MRC CTU) at University College London (UCL) are hosting a World AIDS Day event, Perspectives and Perceptions of PrEP, an evening of discussion which seeks to confront the myths and misinformation surrounding PrEP.

In August 2016, the High Court ruled that NHS England has the power to commission PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), a prevention strategy that involves HIV negative individuals taking the anti-retroviral drug Truvada to protect themselves against HIV infection during sex.

Media reaction to the ruling has been divisive to say the least, at times pitting HIV activists against the general public, who were told that provision of the drug by the NHS would limit its ability to provide hearing implants for the deaf or help children with cystic fibrosis. This emotive discourse has arguably led to a negative effect upon how gay men’s sexual health and lifestyle is perceived, both within and outside of the LGBTQ+ community.

We are delighted to be joined by four panelists who will offer their own unique perspectives of PrEP, having had either a personal or professional relationship with the drug, and aim to challenge any misconceptions the public may have:

  •  Professor Sheena McCormack, Chief Investigator of UCL MRC CTU’s PROUD trial
  •  Paul Steinberg, Lead Commissioner of London HIV Prevention Programme (LHPP)
  •  Monty Moncrieff, Chief Executive of London Friend
  •  A participant in the PROUD trial.

Audience members will have the opportunity to further explore the issues surrounding PrEP in a Q&A session chaired by Professor Graham Hart, Dean of the UCL Faculty of Population Health Sciences. This will be followed by a drinks reception at 6:30pm in Roberts 422.

RSVP for the event on Eventbrite.


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