Pink Singers World AIDS Day Concert


Friday 1st December, 2017


7:30 pm - 10:30 pm


St Pancras’ Church
Euston Rd


The Pink Singers are both London’s LGBT Community Choir, and the longest running LGBT Choir in Europe.

For World AIDS Day 2017 we are hosting a concert at St Pancras’ Church, Euston Road, where we will be singing a mixture of our core repertory and some teasers from our exciting January 2018 concert. All the profits raised from both the ticket sales and the Bar on the night will go to the amazing National AIDS Trust.

The tickets are all General Admission, and the profits from ticket sales go the wonderful National AIDS Trust. Depending how much you can afford and how much you want to donate there are 5 levels ranging from £10 to £20 for General Admission so you can choose how much you donate through the price of your ticket. Paying a higher price does not come with any extra benefits as such, it just means we raise more on the night. Please don’t be afraid to pay the smallest amount, everything helps we promise! We’ll be thrilled to see you whatever you pay.

Our concert is for anyone who wants to be in a room filled with solidarity and love, for anyone who wants to bathe in the restorative sound of the human voice, and of course for anyone who wants HIV and AIDS to be things of the past.

Doors open at 7.30pm and the concert starts at 8pm. Note, there is only one toilet at the venue. There are local venues with toilets and the church is not far from Euston Station (where it costs 30p to spend a penny!) so please consider this if you will!



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